Monday 10 August 2015

Day 9, 10, 11, 12

Whilst I was in hospital another girl had gone back who actually had her tonsillectomy the day before I did! She said she was getting a lot of pain too. She didn't bleed like I did but they kept her in over night to help re-charge her body. It seems to be quite a common thing!

So on day 9 I was released from hospital. I went home armed with a ton of medications to keep me going. I was a little nervous leaving the hospital, just in case anything were to happen again! It was a good job I was already in hospital when I had my bleeding. I guess things happen for a reason.
I had mixed messages from the doctor, one had said that my second surgery would not slow down my recovery but another doctor said it would. He said that I will be starting at day 1 again! Can you imagine how deflating that would be to be told you're now back at day 1 after everything I've been through? At this point I was pretty low and fed up, I really didn't want to have to go through the struggle again.

Luckily, when I was home I was feeling better and was able to eat. Eat anything - literally. Once I just snacked on really soft boiled carrots. Each day I got stronger and stronger - I was speaking more too and generally felt better within myself! It does take time though so take it easy.
I was setting alarms during the night to take my pain meds so I wouldn't wake up in pain. Taking the right pain meds (and the right amounts) is so so important - make sure you nail this down from the start. I'm not sure if I was taking enough pain killers at first, which may explain the amount of pain I was in. If you're ever feeling a lot of pain, even when you're on meds then tell your doctor right away.

I'm now on day 12 and things are looking up! My throat is pretty much normal colour now. Still a little sore and I can't eat all foods yet. I feel so so much better then I did! I can't believe how low I felt. Today I'm up doing more around the house and it's the first day I've worn makeup in about 12-14 days. I certainly feel more human so hopefully in a few days I'll be even better!

I'll make a list of all my meds and another post to summarize my overall experience soon!

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