Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 6 - recovery

I had woken up around 4am in a lot of pain. I was crying when I woke up. It was more like weeping to be honest, the pain was a dull, constant ache and seemed to go through my ears too. Makes sense as they are all linked but still extremely painful!!
I managed to eat a Jelly pot this morning and napped on the sofa. I hate napping because it means you wake up with such a dry throat! 

So i went to see my local GP because I was still in pain and needed their opinion. They told me to go back to the hospital to get a proper check up. Back off to Oxford we went! Sat waiting a while and then a nurse took me into a room to check my blood pressure. A little while after I was seen by a doctor, they were quite concerned that I wasn't eating. I think my pain symptoms are pretty normal. How on earth am I supposed to eat solid foods with pain like this?! Are you crazy! 

Anyway, ive had even more bloods done which have now been sent off as urgent. I feel like a pin cushion! They said they will perhaps change my meds. They also want me to eat something before I go home! Gahhh. Not looking forward to that! 

Im still waiting on my blood results. In the meantime though the nurse has just been around to give me a painkiller by my cannula. Ive also had an ibroprofen tablet and I'm now on a drip. The drip is just saline which contains many different salts etc to replace my fluids. Ive had about half of the fluid bag and i feel brighter and look brighter too! I don't feel as tired or drained. Earlier I was literally falling asleep constantly. 
The nurse also came in with an egg sandwich. For the first time I said 'yeah sure!' I wasn't worried about whether I would be able to eat it or not. 
I must have been dehydrated because since having this drip I've been able to cope with the pain better. I think my body just had enough and couldn't cope any longer! I've eaten the sandwich, apart from the crust. Not quite that brave yet! It was a little painful but now my body is energised it was much easier to cope with. 

The nurse is such a gem. Shes just brought me some lovely ice cold water. She was saying how she had her tonsils out a few years ago and she didn't eat for 10 days!  Im so pleased I didn't leave it that long! 

Just had the specialist team come round, they seem pleased with my progress but are going to keep me in over night to make sure I'm eating and drinking. 
My weight has been a big thing really. I'm a tall 5ft 10 (or just under) and I weight just over 50kg which is under weight for my age and height. So eating is a big thing for me at the moment. 
In a way I'm pleased I'm staying. Im in the best place and they can dose me up on meds all night long! Ha! 

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