Monday 3 August 2015

Day 4 - recovery

So todays pretty much the same as day 3. Still very painful, very sore and full of mucus. So very attractive I know! Today was one of the slowest days of my life - not even exaggerating. There was more tears and frustration. I barely ate anything! I tried Jelly, soup, mash potato but no, nothing was doing it for me. I was staying away from diary as it can create more mucus and no one wants that! No no.

I was barely sleeping, probs getting about 3-4 hours per night. I dreaded going to sleep because of how dry and sore your throat feels when you wake up.
I was taking my pain meds every 4 hours but I was still in pain.

During the night I had woken up because my throat was bleeding, it was around 3am and automatically what do I do? PANIC! I called my Mum to my room and was crying because it was so scary. I could feel it running like a tap.
I took sips of cold water and rinsed my mouth out. It looked like a lot of blood but it really wasn't. I had been reading reviews online and small amounts of bleeding is normal, especially when the scabs start to come off. After a few mins it stopped - thank goodness! I did NOT want to go back to A&E.

The panic was over, but then I couldn't sleep! Was a long night for me...

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